What is Search Description and why it is important

When you write a blog post, sure you wish someone will eventually find and read it. To get a comment is a plus, or they may opt to FB-like-it, or add into their Pinterest or the rest of other social media tools you have enabled. (long lived good people like this)

There are ways to make your blog post searchable ( rank - is what they call it) by Mr Search Engines. Who are Mr Search Engines? Mr Google, Mr Bing, Mr Yahoo, and the list goes to infinity.

For Blogger, there is a tool called the Search Description which can help you to achive this objective ( and sure there are many more to implement and the list goes to infinity). But this is the simplest one and all you have to do is 3 things:
1. Enable it
2. Define search description for your blog
3. Define search description for your blog posts. Consistently fill it each time you created a new post or page. What are the best wording to choose? That will be explained in my next blog entry.

I will provide the link at the end of this blog entry. But first, let me help you to understand this visually

What if you decided not to do it? No problem and no harm, but you may end up listed in page 100th when people search the subject, in which you atcually have written one. ( err who has ever clicked 100 times to search for an info)

So here is the easy guide to follow guide and good luck. Click

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